Detaily spotu

Spoter Rostyslav
Spatřeno v London, United Kingdom
Datum 2024-06-09 22:00

Loud and crazy looking flame spitting GT-R owned by @kami.ibrahim


Camera model Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Aperture f/3.2
Shutterspeed 1/320 sec.
Focal length 70.0 mm

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  1. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA carspottingobsessed  -  v 22:50


  2. Profile pic
    ITALY Dalzzz  -  v 23:17

    Crazy shots!

  3. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM ST22HTV  -  v 23:31

    Absolutely incredible pictures!!!! Looks amazing. I've seen this one at a car show once, looked great

  4. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM JJMad  -  v 10:53

    Insane spot and photos!

  5. Profile pic
    Ferrari-Lamborghini Fan  -  v 12:15

    Insane burnning first photo and awesome body kit on this Nissan GT-R , stunning and insane spot !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Dylan.  -  v 17:38

    Insane pictures mate!

  7. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Flint_Cars  -  v 18:21

    Awsome first photo! The car looks brutal!

  8. Profile pic
    POLAND warsaw.spotter  -  v 18:34

    Incredible 1st photo. Really like this car!

  9. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS EcnerualCars  -  v 20:09

    This is such an insane creation. Very cool photos, love the 1st

  10. Profile pic
    BELGIUM Beamen  -  v 21:06

    Insane spot! Your pics are sick ! 👍️

  11. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM Hyenaboy  -  v 21:08

    Nice spot, voted

  12. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  -  v 22:31

    Insane GT-R, that first pic is crazy! Very nice first spot! 👍️

  13. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS tk97  -  v 03:36

    Beautiful photos, great spot mate!

  14. Profile pic
    HUNGARY LittleG  -  v 13:48

    Insane machine and photos! 😄

  15. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS autospotter#lenno  -  v 19:41

    Epic! Such an amazing spot!

  16. Profile pic
    ROMANIA DeJong32  -  v 16:55

    What a catch ! Amazing spot

  17. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS PJW99  -  v 14:23

    Amazing pictures! The first one especially. The flames look awesome.

  18. Toto není ok

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